Su·per·pow·er : power greater in scope or magnitude than that which is considered natural or has previously existed.

When my grade 12 English teacher asked the class if we could have one superpower in the world, what would it be and why, I heard the typical superpowers answers; X-ray vision, invisibility and mind reading. When I heard the word 'superpower', I though about Russia and the United States of America. Dmitry Medvedev is the current president of Russia. If I could have any superpower in the world, I would choose Russia for obvious reasons. The main reason I would choose Russia is because of its geography. Russia is 22.27 million kilometers squared! Imagine the games of hide and seek that could be played! Russia is also pretty 'tight' with Africa, Eastern Europe, and the best countries for last, Latin America. The vacations would be great! Also, Russia has such a great supply of weapons, that it puts the United States to shame. I would also choose Russia because with the way the American dollar is dropping, the United States may lose their postion as the world's greatest superpower. If the United States lost their postion of world's greatest superpower, Russia would then be named the world's greatest superpower, therefore making my superpower number one! Oh, and Russia invented Tetris. I think Russia would be an excellent superpower to have.